Επικοινωνία: PCN Materials Τηλ: 2810-781834 / 6909863606 Γ. Κυριακίδης

Dr. Vassilios D. Binas
Institute of Electronic Structure and Lasers Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas and University Of Crete, Hellas Department of Physics
100 Nikolaou Plastira Str.
Vassilika Vouton Heraklion Crete
GR-700 13, Greece
Tel: +30-2810-391269
e-mail: binasbill@iesl.forth.gr
Skype: VBinas
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?hl=el&user=LLDm_WQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Global Materials Network of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials