Dear RMEI family,

I am happy to send you the draft *book of abstracts *with the program of
the Conference I am organising in *NIsyros, Greece 13-17 July* 2022 with
the support of RMEIM as well and under the title: *Sustainable Solutions at
Times of Transition (SuST)*

I am also sending you some information about our very known Keynote speaker*
Prof Jeffrey Sachs*

Some of you will find your name on the Scientific Committee.
If you wish to participate as an RMEIM member, please contact me directly.

looking forward to seeing you in Greece
Anastasia Zabaniotou, Conference Chair

*Prof. Anastasia Zabaniotou*
Chem. Eng. DEA, PhD ( Ecole Centrale de Paris, FR)
Leader of Bioenergy, Circular Economy, and Sustainability Research Group
Chemical Engineering Dept., Engineering Faculty,
*A**ristotle University of Thessaloniki, **Greece*
*President of RMEI *(Network of Mediterranean Engineering Schools, FR)
*T.I.M.E* (Top International Managers in Engineering Network, FR)
*WREN/WREC *Council Member – World Renewable Energy Network and Congress
*BEE* (Biomass Energy and Environment network, CHINA)
Tel. +30 2310 996274    Mob.+30 6945990604

On Thu, 5 May 2022 at 12:43, <> wrote:

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We kindly invite you to participate in the 1st BOARD meeting (online) on
the 16 May at 17.00 Paris time
The zoom link is :

ID de réunion : 926 4788 9297
Code secret : 807179

Agenda of the 1st Board Meeting
-Welcome and know each other
-Read the RMEIM status and internal regulations
-Fixing the couples: board member/ replacing one (titulaire/replacant)
-Organisation of pre-COP27 workshops in Egypt 2022
-Organisation of RMEIM International Conference in Marseille 2023
-Organisation the 25 RMEI anniversary event 2022
-Organisation of Michelangelo 2022
-Participation in Working groups
-Attracting new members

Looking forward to meeting you

Anastasia Zabaniotou, President of RMEIM

Prof. Anastasia Zabaniotou
Chem. Eng. DEA, PhD ( Ecole Centrale de Paris, FR)
Leader of Bioenergy, Circular Economy, and Sustainability Research Group
Chemical Engineering Dept., Engineering Faculty,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
President of RMEI (Network of Mediterranean Engineering Schools, FR)
T.I.M.E (Top International Managers in Engineering Network, FR)
WREN/WREC Council Member – World Renewable Energy Network and Congress
BEE (Biomass Energy and Environment network, CHINA)
Tel. +30 2310 996274    Mob.+30 6945990604